Sustaining Connections

Marymount Manhattan College is thrilled to announce Sustaining Connections: Community Building in Prisons Through Higher Education, a virtual conference taking place on April 9 and 10, 2021. With a rich and diverse history of college programming in prisons throughout the state, the New York community of college stakeholders continue to find meaningfulRead More →

University of Oregon Prison Eduaction

A University of Oregon program that provides education to incarcerated Oregonians is expanding thanks to funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, a supporter of the arts and humanities in the United States. Under the UO Prison Education Program, faculty members and campus students join people who were incarcerated for discussion-orientedRead More →

Georgetown Degree Program

Georgetown University is launching a liberal arts degree program for inmates this fall in Maryland’s state prison system, officials announced Wednesday. The degree program expands the university’s Prison Scholars Program, which both credit and noncredit courses to more than 150 incarcerated students at the D.C. Jail since 2018. The administratorsRead More →